Here is what you need:
-Junk Mail 'note pad'
-Marker or Pen
-Tape or glue
Draw out the 'unfolded' envelope shape on the cardboard backing and cut it out. Use this as your stencil to draw the shape on the pieces of note pad.
Cut out as many seed envelopes are you need, since you are using a stencil they should all turn out the same shape and size.
Fold in the edges and secure with either glue or tape.
Now you can just label them and be done with it, or you can get creative!
Here are the envelopes I made for my Tomato seeds, I just used the garden markers that came with the plant.
I decorated these envelopes with a bit of hand-drawn art, and I thought this would be a great idea for Christmas card stuffers!
Wow! What a neat idea! I may have my son do some of these as a project and use for Christmas! Thanks!