Monday, February 27, 2012

The Egg Industry in Canada

In the name of affordable food, millions of hens in Canada suffer each year. This September I took a stand against the Canadian Egg Industry. I no longer purchase eggs from battery hens, and have decided to unlawfully raise my own healthy, happy hens for eggs in my backyard.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Learning to Forage for Dinner

This is a picture of one of my very first foraged meals of wild mushrooms and some stuffed zucchini blossoms from the garden. The wild mushroom species pictured here are: Leccinum spp. (top right), Russula lutea (bottom), and Hydnum repandum (top left).

Monday, February 13, 2012

Letter of Support: Urban Hens

 My letter of support for urban hens...